Eventrim creates high-quality content and provides international keynote speakers and advisors for all kind of events. We help you to meet the business challenges of tomorrow and to build memorable events. Our objective is to offer new insights and ideas, inspiration and to stimulate your audiences. Thousands of leading international keynote speakers are easily accessible for you via Eventrim. Our clients include top 500 firms from different industries, professional services firms, governments, municipalities, seminar organizers as well as event agencies.
We cooperate closely with London Speaker Bureau (LSB) as an integral part of LSB’s Nordic team. As LSB’s official partner Eventrim can provide keynote speakers and advisors for your needs to all types of events, be they small or large. Benefit from LSB’s long-term 25 years of expertise and global experience from international speaker business and markets combined with our local knowledge. Get the most out of our experts virtually when required as with a rise in online events we can also offer an end to end service. Our keynote speakers are able to talk on a range of subjects from management, strategy, innovation and finance to technology, education and the environment.
Our services and core expertise:
We provide keynote speakers, moderators and advisors from London Speaker Bureau’s global network to:
• Executive seminars and client events
• Business conferences and seminars
• Fairs, congress events and other professional events
• Internal seminars & events for corporate management and personnel and other corporate events like strategy days
Online events and webinars. Discover our wide selection of experts and advisers who provide online webinars, online expert consultations and online boardroom advisory. Read more on our comprehensive service and requested topics & experts for online events.
• London Speaker Bureau’s (LSB) Executive Learning Masterclasses
- Hands on workshops with top LSB speakers , these masterclasses cover a wide array of business and management topics
• Boardroom Advisory for corporates and goverments
- Boardroom Advisers can bring expertise from the top of business, politics and society, into your company
Bringing you the best business leaders and advisers for your board meetings and decisions
• Streamlining and improving event content building processes
Eventrim helps you to get the best speakers and make the most out of LSB’s unique global speaker network. We always try to take the time to determine your exact needs so you get the appropriate person for your session. Find and book great speakers with us for your future events.